Temperature Sensor Modules
CJ1WTS562 (Temperature Sensor Module Screw Terminal Connection)
Omron Temperature sensor module is suitable for use with cj1 series programmer controllers
Omron Temperature sensor module is suitable for use with cj1 series programmer controllersThese temperature sensor units are classified as digital I/O units when considering I/O allocations and will take digital I/O points from the total allocation for a CJ1M CPU. The number of I/O points is DIP switch selectable as follows;configured for 1 - 3 inputs takes 48 digital I/O points, configured for 4 inputs takes 64 digital I/O points and configured for 5 - 6 inputs takes 96 digital I/O points.CJMCU-175 (Digital Temperature Sensor Module)
General Features:
CJMCU-175 Digital Temperature Sensor TMP175 27 Address
Digital output: SMBusTM, two-wire and I2C interface compatibility
Resolution: 9 to 12 digits, user selectable
Wide supply voltage range: 2.7V to 5.5V
TMP175 allowing up to 27 devices on a bus member.
It is a negative temperature desired coefficient thermistor (NTC) and positive temperature coefficient (PTC) for generation
The device provides a typical ±1°C accuracy without calibration or external component signal conditioning .
The on-chip 12-bit analog -to- digital converter (ADC) provides resolution down to 0.0625°C.
DHT11 (Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module)
DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module with LED Power Supply Indicators
- Can detect surrounding environment of the humidity and temperature
- DHT11 sensor adopts
- Humidity measurement range: 20%-95%, humidity measurement error: +-5%
- Temperature measurement range: 0 -50 ;measurement error: +-2 degrees
- Working voltage 3.3 V-5 V
- Output form: digital output
- Has fixed bolt hole and easy installation
- PCB size: 3.1cm x 1.4cm
DHT22- (Temperature and humidity sensor)
Product description:
The DHT22 module is designed to measure the temperature and humidity of the atmosphere. The difference from the younger model (DHT11), The DHT22 has a wide range and a high precision determination of temperature and humidity. The sensor works on the OneWire bus, which makes it possible to connect it to the Arduino only three wires ( two of which are POwer supply). Low power consumption allows you to install it on stand-alone devices.
GY-AMG8833 (IR 8×8 infrared camera array temperature sensor module)
HTG3515CH- (Voltage Output Temperature and Humidity Sensor)
Voltage Output Temperature and Humidity Sensor HTG3515CH
Relative Humidity and Temperature Module
- Suitable for small bulk assembly
- Product free from Lead, Cr (6+), Cd and Hg. Compliant with RoHS
- Full interchangeability. Better than +/-3%RH and +/-0.25°C
- Humidity calibrated within +/- 3% RH @ 55% RH
- Temperature measurement through NTC direct output
Based on the rugged HUMIREL humidity sensor, HTG3515CH is a dedicated humidity and temperature plug and play transducer designed for OEM applications where a reliable and accurate measurement is needed. Direct interface with a micro-controller is made possible with the module’s humidity linear voltage and direct NTC outputs. HTG3515CH is designed for high volume and demanding applications. KY-028 -Temperature sensor module (Digital)
Product Features:
- Using the NTC thermistor sensor , good sensitivity.
- The comparator output signal is clean, good waveform , driving ability , more than 15mA.
- Adjust the temperature distribution position detection threshold.
- The working voltage: DC 3.3V-5V.
- The output format : digital switching outputs ( 0 and 1 )
- A fixed bolt holes for easy installation.
- Using a wide voltage LM393 comparator.
MAX6675-(Temperature Sensor With Thermocouple Cable)
MAX6675 Module + K Type Thermocouple Sensor:
The MAX6675 performs cold-junction compensation and digitizes the signal from a type-K thermocouple. The data is output in a 12-bit resolution, SPI™-compatible, read-only format. This converter resolves temperatures to 0.25°C, allows readings as high as +1024°C, and exhibits thermocouple accuracy of 8LSBs for temperatures ranging from 0°C to +700°C.SHT31 (Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module)
General Features:
- Highly reliable, accurate and quick response time
- I2C interface
- Well calibrated, linearized, compensated for digital output
- Highly abstracted development library
- Input voltage (VCC): 3.3 volts or 5 volts
- I/O Logic Level : 3.3 volts or 5 volts based on VCC
- Operating Current : 100 μA
- Operating Temperature : -40–125 ℃
- Temperature Sensor Range : -40–125 ℃, with ±0.3°C accuracy
- Humidity Sensor Range : 0% - 100%(Relative Humidity), with ±2% accuracy
- Sensor Chip : SHT31
- I2C
TMP006 (Contact-less Infrared Temperature Measurement)
The TMP006 works with 3v to 5v, so it can be used with most microcontrollers without the need for a level shifter. It connects via the i2c bus and is addressable so you can have up to 8 TMP006 sensors on the same bus.
- 20mm x 20mm (board w/o headers)
- Uses I2C 7-bit addresses between 0x40 and 0x47, selectable with jumpers
- Interface Type : I2C Arduino driver module