Banana Pi G1 Open Debugger Burner Board
BPI-G1 is an integrated IEEE802.11 b / g / n (WIFI wireless network), IEEE802.15.4 (Zigbee), IEEE 802.11-2007 Standard (Bluetooth Low Energy4.0) development board.
It is very easy to put these wireless protocols seamlessly together, you can exchange any different transport protocols, and three kinds of wireless protocols are integrated by three single-chip SOC, you can easily create your own Internet of things (IoT).
BPI Open Debugger is a collection of programming tools . When developing STM series MCU, TI CC1x, 2x, TI CC3x series SOC, STC series MCU, it can be quickly and easily debugged and programmed without having to write different series of chips for debugging. Some cumbersome switching work. In addition, it also integrates USB to serial port, which is a commonly used interface for developing embedded. It is also a USB 2.0 HUB that makes it easy to extend other USB tools. With it, there is no need to face a bunch of different writers, complicated wiring, and insufficient USB ports.
Support object
CC Debugger interface:
Program and debug the following 8051-based TI system-on-chip:
CC1110, CC1111
CC2430, CC2431
CC2510, CC2511
CC2530, CC2531, CC2533
CC2540, CC2541
CC2543, CC2544, CC2545
Control the same device in SmartRF Studio. In addition, the following transceivers can be controlled via SmartRF:
CC1120, CC1121, CC1125, CC1175
CC1100, CC1101, CC110L, CC113L, CC115L
CC2500, CC2520
It can also be used to program PurePath wireless devices:
CC8520, CC8521
CC8530, CC8531
SWD interface:
Programming and debugging the mainstream ARM7\9\11, Cortex-A5\A8\A9\M0\M1\M3\M4
Manufacturers of supported MCUs:
ST, Freecale, Nuvoton, NXP, TI, Cypress, Atmel, Analog, Fujitsu, Toshiba,
Energy Micro, etc.
Programming and debugging functions with transfer speeds up to 4Mhz: Write Flash Rom, EEPROM, ARF, etc., support full speed operation, single step debugging, breakpoint debugging.
J TAG interface:
Program and debug all kernels that support the JTAG interface.
UART interface:
Write STC series of single-chip microcomputer and output serial port printing information for debugging
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